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Julie's Wedding Shower

Judy and Julie opening presents

Julie at the tablePeople who gave the shower

This was Julie's day - June 9th - and she got to preside over it in style.

The shower was given by Elaine Boliere, Karen Cornett, Anita Elduayen, and Kathy Sangster.
Judy and Julie are seated.

Karen Cornett looks towards the presents table.

Matt's sister-in-law Brenda and his mother Rose, along with Patty Weightman, follow the action.

presents table

The presents table.

Suzie Sangster and Judy

Susie Sangster checks out a present,
 while Judy checks out the room.


Elaine is closely following everything.

Elaine and her daughter Robin came to the shower from Auburn, California (near Lake Tahoe).

Julie & Olivia

Honestly...it happened just like that!

Yeah, sure it did...

Julie with mixer

Julie gets presents from the fun (nightie)
to the practical (beater).